How does coping change with development? A review of childhood and adolescence sport coping research

Nicholas L. Holt, Sharleen Hoar, Shawn N. Fraser

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47 Citations (Scopus)


It is important to study how children and adolescents cope with stressors in sport because effective coping enhances sport experiences and prevents psychological and physiological problems that can lead to sport withdrawal. The purpose of this review was to summarize the existing child and adolescent coping research to establish how coping changes with development in the achievement context of sport. We reviewed and summarized relevant coping research published from 1980 to 2004 using a 'content analysis' approach to identify consistencies and limitations in this literature. Four content areas were examined: coping responses, gender differences, consistency of coping/coping style, and coping effectiveness. Ways in which coping changes with development from childhood to adolescence were examined within each of these content areas. Fundamental future research questions and implications for research design are presented.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)25-39
Number of pages15
JournalEuropean Journal of Sport Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2005


  • Adolescence
  • Childhood
  • Coping
  • Development


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